Olivia Eshe HoltAbout

Olivia Eshe is an artist from Detroit, Michigan working in ceramics, art furniture and spatial design. Her artistry spans from traditional handcrafting techniques to 3D modeling and visualization. 

Olivia received a BFA in Product Design with a minor in Furniture at the College of Creative Studies. She currently holds a Junior Designer position at Urban Alterscape working with local entrepreneurs and business owners on commercial projects that positively impact the city of Detroit. 


Selected Work
Crafted ObjectsDigitally DesignedSpatial Installation

T8 Market Stall Design
Better Block. 2023

FD23: Build a Better Market Stall
A Design Competition by Better Block

Project funded by AARP and Toyota

3rd place Awardee: Team 8 (T8) - David Cayll, Xelaya Mendoza, Santiago Romero, and Olivia Holt

Small business vendors play an irreplaceable role in our built environment. They create jobs and generate revenue while contributing to the overall vitality of strong cities. Communal markets have started gaining popularity and support due to their unique vendors with specialized goods. It's more important than ever that we nurture these spaces where one can immerse themselves in art and meet people from all walks of life.

While the payoff is immense, being self-employed can be a challenge in and of itself, especially when one loses some mobility due to age. As time goes on in the life of some vendors, setting up can become a hassle. From transporting their supplies and carrying their products to the actual setup of their stand. Our mission at Better Block was simple: create a market stall for a vendor who’s older than 50.